Thursday, May 14, 2009

We're All Connected

I was looking out the window from our pantry yesterday from the high rise building where I was working. I saw tall buildings, malls, houses -- some nice, some can be barely called a house. Then the thought struck me - we are all connected. The walls and gates separating us are merely our attempts at securing ourselves.

But why?

I grew up that way. We grew up that way. We have secured ourself to the point of isolation. Yet we breathe the same air. We pass the same streets. Our lives are all connected in some mundane way. Yet we don't notice it.

I was thinking, what if there were no walls. What if we all lived in tents and didn't have security because we all trusted each other. Brings me to the imagination of what heaven would be like? Do we really have mansions as the bible says or is it just a figure of speech? How do we live in a heavenly setting?

Just thinking out loud.

Now you know that I don't make too much sense. ;)