Friday, July 18, 2008

Rairaiken @ Mega Mall = Roach roach ken

Have you ever encountered bad customer service,?

We did!

Frank and I went to Rairaiken located at Megamall for a nice lunch just after we checked out my NBI clearance. We ordered ramen, maki and some dumplings. The waiter served some hot tea.
We drank the hot tea and didn't notice any unusual flavor. I took another cup, but to prevent the cover from falling I held it and opened the cover of the tea pot.

TO MY AMAZEMENT and DISGUST, there was a small ROACH!

We politely asked for the manager. The manager seems to be nice so we asked for a 50% off or a meal-on-the-house deal. She was kinda reluctant so she gave her boss a call. She returned and reasoned that since it is only a small one, a desert will be given. We told her that they should be taking care of what customers will say against them and simply asked for a free lunch as compensation for the inconvenience.

While she was on the phone with her boss we still noticed that there were two other small roaches on the table. Yuck! What a place!

She went back and offered some desert since "Maliit lang naman, hindi naman malaki", referring to the roach. "Lagi nangyayari yo, desert lang binibigay namin. Di maiwasan yan, nagpapaspray naman kami sir.." she quipped.

The manager Gina Melgar, refused to honor our simple request and refused to give her boss's name or give us free lunch. She just offered 1 free ramen.

Nevermind. We left the place and headed for Saisaki where we filled our bellies to the max!

You be the judge. Will you dare eat there?! I will never go back to that place.

Moreover, as long as I live, I will site this as an example in all my training classes and speaking engagements.

What's 10 people I know? It doesn't make any difference. I'm sure the 10 people won't tell other then, right?!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Pastors, preachers file obscenity suit vs Playboy RP edition

Saw this article in Yahoo News (Philippines):

Pastors, preachers file obscenity suit vs Playboy RP edition

I fully support this move and hope that all my friends who believe in this David and Goliath-type defiance of the immoral industry express their full support by not buying these filth. These crappy magazines are nothing but signs of a disintegrating moral fiber of our day. I'm now an expecting father and I want my kid to grow up without looking at naked women in the magazine stands. Women should be respected, not displayed like toys.

Let's fight, and let our Christian voice be heard.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

On my way!

The countdown has started.

The clock is now ticking. Ticking faster than it used to. As the days draw closer to the point of no return, everything just comes into perspective.

Things are getting pretty clear now.

My manager asked me for a lateral promotion to a Service Quality post. Unfortunately, I had to decline as I had to focus on my business.

I told him the truth. Yesterday, I gave my token to Frank, although I will still be in for another score and a half days.

I told my boss that all roads point North - the place where I should be.

Today, I have officially submitted my letter and will just have to sign it.

The countdown has definitely started.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Expecting Father

Hey!?! I'm now an expecting father!

When did I know? I think that was last Sunday, June 29. She started vomiting and exhibiting clear signs of pregnancy. Wow! Then she had her pregnancy test the following Monday and turned out to be POSITIVE!

Is it a boy or a girl? According to Spiderman, with great "baby" come great responsibility. Well that's the adulterated version of it.

Let's pray for a healthy and bouncing baby.

Monday, June 30, 2008

The Way to Double

I think everything is falling into place now.

There are signs that I should move on.

The kind guy who offered me coffee, the FX that showed up when I was running late, the timelines that were adjusted to finish by July. It all seems to point to one direction. All for the necessary preparation.

I don't know what will happen, but I'm hanging on till everything clears up.

If you're reading this you might be wondering. Well, if you know what this is all about, you're probably happy for me. I have to be cryptic for now. More to follow

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Oka San Diego added you as a friend on WAYN...

Oka San Diego
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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Where are you


I'd like to add you to my travel network on WAYN


Here is the link:


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Monday, February 25, 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Wedding pictures

Raffy and Marilyn's wedding pix can be grabbed from my multiply site:

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Lifehacker: My Productivity Tips

Email Hacks

1) Check my email every hour.
2) Practice the Action, Hold, Archive method.
3) Start the day looking at the Action Items (and doing it)
4) Check the Hold folder for outdated items

Keep These Files Folders Open

1) Employee Database
2) QA Evals Folder
3) WBR Folder
4) Exl Folder
5) Executive Folder
6) Training Tests Folder

Organize My Training Folders

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Year End Toast!




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Photography 101




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