Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Random Rumblings

What if I could have everything I wanted? An Audi R8, a Ducati Streetfighter, the Iron Man suit :), Warren Buffet's wits, Bill Gates opportunistic innovation, Barack Obama's charisma, and perhaps retain the good looks of Raphael Linsangan... would it make a difference?

It's good that God knows I can't handle it, so he only gave me the last one, which is you know isn't true either. So what's left? I guess, I should be thankful that I'm me and that I have received the most precious gift a man could have - his relationship with his God and the wisdom to obey God to the best of one's ability. (Mark 8:36)

Let's be content with what we have but let's continually seek to improve ourselves, in this world but most of all for the next.

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