Friday, December 31, 2010

Looking back is always fun as there is a lot to be thankful for this last year.

I had a brand new addition to my family, baby KenKen, the cute little boy who is full of optimism.  In the same month my dad finally "came back" from his long vacation adding another shade to the spectrum of my life. (March).  Meeting my siblings added a new purpose to my life (April).

My team at Avanade GHD moved from Cybergate to Mckinley Hill.  I'm not really so thankful for that, but I'm thankful for my team who remained intact despite the difficulty, albeit, expensive and tiring commute to and fro.  I'm looking forward to break the good news this January when it reaches me.  In this same month, our church, Pilgrim BBC moves to the wilderness, going from a rented place to a non-rented interim place until we occupy the "Promised Land". God blessed us with a property at Brookside Hills. Hopefully, God will give us a building soon.   (August)

This year is also the year where Sister Yams left for the US.  I do hope you finally get your drivers license.

Tito Al and Tita Offie came home from the US. (April) Tito Danny and Tita Mila sent us some presents (Jan)
Witnessed the wedding of my friend Pastor Jun and Che (Feb) and the passing away Lola Remy.

I also went to Dayspring Reunion (May) and FCS Grand Alumni Reunion (Feb).

Many other things happened in between, but the most important thing is that God remains to be faithful to us and his grace and mercy is has not failed us. 

To those who've been an active part of my 2010, my wife, my mom and dad, my uncles, my grandma, my co-workers, my baddicts, my ABC family, my church family, my Accenture and Avanade friends - let's leave this year along with all the challenges and let us forge ahead with the good things we learned.

A happy 2011 to you and yours! Signing off.

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