Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Marilyn's Thyroidectomy Day 1 - November 12

Marilyn was given an IV as per OB's instructions around midnight and was advised to refrain from eating anything.

Morning came. She put on her robe and was checked once more by her battery of resident OBs. After a few minutes she went into her hospital gown and was picked up and brought down to the third floor for prepping. The procedure should last from 10PM to 2PM. I accompanied her down.

While waiting, Sam A and his wife Jen was also in the hospital.

I'm still waiting for some news. Last time I checked, around 1:45PM they said that the operation is still ongoing. I made a request that they notify me once the procedure is finished.

Tito Caesar arrived to help with the MDR for Philhealth.

3:45PM Doctor Jarin just came by to break the good news. Marilyn's procedure has just ended -- successfully. The thyroid's mass's initial anaylysis was benign but we will wait for final word after 4 days. Marilyn is now in the recovery room. Lord willing she will be joining me in Rm. 534 in 4 hours. She did well. Baby is safe as well. But please continue praying for quick recovery.

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