Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Globe Broadband Experience

I recently availed of a 512Mb wireless broadband + landline from Globe. The application process was quick. It exceeded my expectations, to be honest. The technician installed the broadband and landline and tested it. Everything went on without a glitch.

Monday, 26th of January, when I connected it to my computer, the landline was working well but the internet was extremely slow. I figured out it was due to my windows updates downloading and my Norton updating itself. The next day however, my mom called me on my landline and I couldn't hear her but she can hear me. It's January 28 already, the Internet is downloading normally but the landline is suffering the same fate as yesterday.

I finally called Globe 9198888, when I had waited barely 15 seconds, a CSR greeted me pleasantly. Verna said that our area doesn't seem to be affected by system maintenance and she created a ticket for me. She asked me to monitor the situation and I gave her my contact information if they need more information.

My rating of their service on a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being the greatest):

Internet: 8
Landline: 2

I'm looking forward to them fixing it really quick.

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