Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sorting Things Out

Day started when I heard a know from the door around 7AM. It was my Jen, Tess, my mother-in-law along with Myrnalyn, Marilyn's cousin. She will be staying with us from now on to keep an eye on things and help take care of the baby when it comes out :)

We prepared hot cocoa for breakfast and wheat bread with cream cheese. When
they left, we went back to sleep and woke up around 10AM.

Myrn, got her first training washing the dishes today.

Today, I'm trying to sort and clean up all my 500+ bookmarks in Firefox. I also came across a nice website called oneplace that let's me read the Bible through in a year and keep track of my progress with personalized settings.

I also listened to J. Vernon Mcgee's radio program at Thru The Bible and became a fan of his program in Facebook.

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